Individual & family services

Includes your FREE initial consultation!
Payment plans are available.

Pay As You Go

MCN Single treatment

Individual Plan

Includes 10 Treatments
(+2 Free Treatments)

5 Neuroblast Treatments

Net cost $125 per treatment

*savings of over $300

Optimal Plan

20 MCN Treatments

10 Neuroblast treatments

Net cost $115 per treatment

*savings of over $700

Neuroblast Treatment

Family Plan

We know how important family is to you. We've created this package to help maximize the benefits of MCN treatments and your family's budget.

40 MCN Treatments

40 IR Treatments

15 Neuroblast Treatments
(sharable among family members)

Net cost $100 per treatment

*savings of over $2,000

Improved Quality of life for all our Heros. Alleviates symptoms associated with PTSD and TBI. All Healthcare workers, Military Personal, Veterans,and First Responders

receive 50% off all packages!

While 85% of people start feeling positive changes in the first few treatments, it will require a series of treatments to achieve and maintain the full benefits.

Are you ready to see a positive change?